Title |
: Professor Eun-sung Kim's new grant for sound studies |
Date & Place |
: 2015~2018 |
Contact us |
: csts@khu.ac.kr |
Program |
: In 2015, professor Eun-sung Kim earned a three-years (2015~2018) grant for sound studies from the National Research Foundation of Korea. The multi-year project is entitled "The Material Culture of Sound and Politics, Market, and Communities: Cases of Protests, Outcry-pit Trading, and Wind-power Generator." One paper about the material culture of social movement was recently accepted by Social Studies of Science, one of top journals of Science and Technology Studies (STS). This year, he is launching a new research to connect sociology of senses and the sociology of market. He is planning to explore the interrelationship between senses, technology, and trade. |