TITLE Risk Perceptions and Re-construction of Knowledge in Gendered Work
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Title : Risk Perceptions and Re-construction of Knowledge in Gendered Work
Date : 2015. 06
Journal title : ECO
Author : Myungsim Kim and Heeyun Kim
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Abstract : The onset of the issue of guaranteeing semiconductor electronic industry workers¡¯ health rights, which we call ¡°Samsung Leukemia¡±, was due to the difference in the causes of disease between the Korean government, corporations and activist patients. We examine the risk perception of hazardous chemicals that workers¡¯ go through in their workplace and knowledge construction with the experience through their disease, which helps us to understand alternative knowledge against the mainstream science in terms of the politics of science and technology. Semiconductor electronic industry workers labor health movement asks for the improvement of inequality including workers¡¯ health and protection of their rights, and at the same time, requires embodied knowledge construction based on actual scenes.We argue not only the redefined notion of gendered difference in risk perceptions, but also construction of knowledge. The construction of knowledge risk perception and experience of the hazardous chemicals differs by gender differences in the semiconductor electronics industry. Our study has the implication for understanding the impact of the multi-stratified identity on labor health movement.

Key words: risk perceptions, risk conflicts, Gender Differences in risk perception, Samsung Leukemia, labor health movement

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