TITLE Topography of Post-Genomic Researches in Korea: Governance and Institutional Polymorphism
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Title : Topography of Post-Genomic Researches in Korea: Governance and Institutional Polymorphism
Date : 2015. 6.
Journal title : Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Author : Lee, June-Seok
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Abstract : Human Genome Project was a big science done by United States, U.K., France, China, Germany and Japan. But in Korea HGP was not constructed because of lack of governmental funding and failure to attract relevant actors¡¯ attention in spite of small voices from early genome researchers and some family members of patients with incurable diseases. This article does not argue that HGP in Korea was an undone science, a concept claimed by Scott Frickel, et al. Instead, it shows the historical fact that HGP was not constructed in Korea in 1990s and analyzes how genomic researches could become possible in Korea in the post-genomic age using the framework of triple-helix. In Korea, researchers have constructed hybrid networks and organizations that intermingles laboratories of university, industry, and government to conduct genomic researches which requires a lot of financial funding. This structure is different from the entrepreneurial university seen in developed countries such as the United States. Using two examples, this article shows that founding a start-up company by university researchers was not an option as in the United States, but a necessity in order to obtain enough funding to conduct genomic researches in Korea. Otherwise, researchers in Korean universities had to form hybrid networks with government to obtain small amount of funds to conduct researches. I argue that this phenomenon shows multifaceted characteristics of institutional structures regarding genomic researches in Korea.

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